We’ve been partnering with Care Moses Lake for years and the partnership feeds those in need in our community. Care Moses Lake’s mission is to help other local non-profits fulfill their missions as well as promoting GIVING BACK to our local community, it’s something we can definitely stand behind and support. A big program they’ve been doing since 2017 is making Care Sack lunches for those in need. The lunches are distributed to the Open Doors Sleep Center, Serve Moses Lake, our local food bank as well as to the Big Bend Community College’s Viking Food Pantry. Care Moses Lake also makes a roasting pan of soup for 26 weeks during the cold winter months. We are proud to say that almost all their supplies are/can be purchased at Grocery Outlet. They also rely on the community for donations to support these programs and more.
Care Moses Lake is the recipient of our month long “Independence from Hunger” campaign. With your support we’ve raised money to feed those in need in our community every year.
If you want to join us in supporting Care Moses Lake you can do so anytime at the checkout at Moses Lake Grocery Outlet, just tell the cashier the donation is for Care Moses Lake and they’ll make sure it gets into their account so they can purchase the items they need every week.