We sold the ever popular Cookie Book filled with the best recipes, proceeds benefitted our local Salvation Army Toy Drive, 17 children received gifts this year.

We held a holiday cookie auction and raised $515 for Care Moses Lake’s Care Bowls program where they provide a roasting pan of homemade soup to the Open Doors Sleep Center every week during the cold winter months (October – March)

We were happy to participate in the Samaritan Healthcare Community Turkey Drive that benefitted the Moses Lake Food Bank, we sold 50 prepackaged bags of food and donated 10 turkeys.

Our Annual Independence from Hunger event raised $12,000 for Care Moses Lake. They make 200+/- Care Sack lunches weekly that are distributed to the Open Doors Sleep Center, Serve Moses Lake, our local food bank and do the Big Bend Community College Viking Food Pantry. Your support also helps feed other local non-profits such as the Boys & Girls Club, Youth Dynamics, New Hope/Kids Hope, the Salvation Army and more! You donated at the cash register, purchase pre-made sacks of supplies, gave at the Farmers Market and attended a benefit concert at Rick’s with local band “Free Beer Nuts” where we had raffle baskets and fun!